
It's A Dangerous World Out There

About Me

It's A Dangerous World Out There

When I got in to the tow truck business, I thought that my days would be filed with being out in the open air and meeting interesting people. Little did I know that every day would present serious safety challenges. As cars travel too closely and roads remain slick, it is all I can do to pull stranded motorists out of ditches to safety. I have had more than one close call, and unfortunately, I have lost a few friends out there. My personal goal is to spread the word about the dangers of tow truck driving, so that everyone can remain safe on the road.

Avoid Flats With These 4 Rules For Your Tires

A flat tire can not only set you behind when you are on your way somewhere, but it could leave you stranded on the side of the road in a dangerous area if you are not careful. Fortunately, a quick call to a local towing company, such as Fredericktown Marathon, can get you out of a bind quickly. Instead of waiting on the side of the road with a flat tire, you can help prevent this by keeping your tires in good condition. If you want to avoid a flat, here are some tips for caring for your tires better. 

Tire Inflation

The performance of your tire can depend greatly on how much air you have in them. Too much air or too little air can change how your vehicle rides. Getting the right inflation is critical to not only get a better ride, but to avoid a flat tire. The tire manufacturer dictates what pressure your tire should be set at. The pressure is identified as pounds per square inch. You can find your vehicle's recommended tire pressure within the driver's side door. There is a label that specifies several types of information including the recommended tire pressure. This information can also be found in the vehicle's manual. 

When you experience a difference in temperatures, the tire pressure in your tires should change. Air in the tires contract in colder weather. In order to keep your tires at the right pressure, you want to make sure you add some more air during the cooler months. 

Tire Tread

One of the most common causes of flat tires is too little tread. In general, you can expect the tread on tires to wear about 1/32" for every 13,000 to 14,000 miles. If this seems like too much to keep up with, you can also measure your tread using a tire tread depth gauge. If you do not have one of these lying around, you can also use a penny. Place the penny upside down with Lincoln's face toward you. Once you place the penny in the groove of your tire, you should not see Lincoln's head. If you do see Lincoln's head, then your tread is too low.  

Balanced Wheels

Balancing your tires helps ensure that your tread is wearing at the same rate on all tires. If your tires are improperly balanced, you could end up getting a flat before you have the chance to replace your tires. It is important that you have your tires balanced every 3,000 to 6,000 miles for proper wear. If you notice that your tires are wearing at different rates, then you want to have them balanced sooner.